# Welcome! ![[Pasted image 20231015193128.png|250]] Hi! I'm John and I've been working in tech for a nearly 3 decades and at Microsoft since 2007 in a few different roles, mostly involving building developer tools and platforms. Like many others, I spend most of my time these days thinking about the intersection of AI, developers and productivity. I'll have more to share about this when we're ready to ship something. Looking back, here are some highlights of my time at Microsoft. - Founding member of the Python in Excel product team. I helped design the programming model for Python in the grid. I wrote the [[Book of Python in Excel]] as a way to help Python programmers get up to speed quickly with the product - Shipped one season of the [[Pivotal Moments]] podcast where I interviewed some folks I worked with at Microsoft. - Shipped and pivoted Azure Notebooks from a SaaS offering to a PaaS offering for internal teams such as Azure Machine Learning, Azure Fabric and Minecraft - Designed a novel interactive programming experience "The Interactive Window" in VS Code - Owned the COM foundations of the WinRT programming model in Windows - Founding member of the Technical Computing Group which was my first experience trying to create a novel programming language for Excel - Founding member of the IronRuby team, one of the first open source projects at Microsoft which showed how dynamic languages could be efficiently implemented on top of .NET Feel free to reach out to say hello: Twitter/X: [@john_lam](https://twitter.com/john_lam) LinkedIn: [@johnlam](https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnlam/) Email: [email protected]